1) In what way can changes be
made in the federal Constitution?
2) Mention the basic idea behind the power
sharing of Indian federalism?
3) Which of the form of
government has two or more levels of government?
4) Give an example of a country which is an
example of coming together federation.
5) Who presides over the meetings of a
Municipal Corporation?
6) The Indian federation consists of how many
states and union territories?
7) Name some countries where we
find coming together type of federations.
8) What will be the role of the Apex Court, if
disputes arise between different levels of government in the exercise of their
9) Name the state which enjoys special status
in Indian territory.
10) What is panchayati raj?
11) How many languages are
included in the eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution?
12) Which country has carried out an
extraordinary experiment that combines both, decentralization and participative
13) In which list do agriculture and irrigation
14) Where did India conduct its nuclear tests?
15) In which list do education, forest and
marriages fall?
16) Which are the basic objectives of a federal
17) What is true regarding sources of revenue in
a federal system?
18) Which body conducts the election to
panchayats and municipalities?
19) Which level of government in India has the
power to legislate on the 'residuary' subject?
20) When was the report of the states
reorganisation commission implemented?
21) Who administers the whole district?
22) Which language was recognised as the
national language by the Constitution of India?
23) Which period saw the rise of regional
political parties in many states of our country?
24) Name some states which were created not on
the basis of language, but to recognize differences based on culture, ethnicity
or geography.
25) Point out one feature in the
practice of federalism in India that is similar to and one feature that is
different from that of Belgium.
26) What is the main difference between a
federal form of government and a unitary one? Explain with an example.
27) State any two differences between the local
government before and after the Constitutional amendment in 1992.
28) What is federalism? Or
Explain any four/five key features of federalism which have been incorporated
in the Indian Constitution.
29) Distinguish between 'coming
together' and 'holding together' type of federations. Or Distinguish between
'coming together federations' and 'holding together' federations with examples.
India comes under which type of federation?
30) What do you mean by 'classical languages'?
31) What is the meaning of
decentralization? Explain any four provisions that have been made towards
decentralisation in India after the Constitutional Amendment in 1992.
32) How have the centre-state relations been
restructured to strengthen federalism?
33) How challenge of language policy is adopted
by our Constitution to promote federalism in our country?
34) What is gram sabha? Describe
any four functions of a gram sabha.
35) How are the powers divided
between the states and the centre? Or Describe the division of powers divided
between State and Central Governments in India.
36) "The creation of a linguistic state was
the first and major test for democratic politics in our country". Justify
the statement.
37) Who is a Mayor? What are his functions?
38) What is coalition government?
What is its impact on Indian politics?
39) Which values can be associated with
40) Which important values can be
derived from the concept of decentralisation?
41) Identify and shade three
federal countries (other than India) on a blank outline political map of the
world. (i) Brazil (ii) South Africa (iii) Russia
42) Locate the following states on a blank
outline political map of India-Manipur, Sikkim, Chhattisgarh and Goa.
43) What are the dual objectives of the federal
44) Name two countries, besides
India, which are federations.
45) Fill in the blanks Since the United States
is a ......... type of federation, all the constituent states have equal powers
and states are ........ vis-?-vis the Federal Government. But India is a
........ type of federation and some states have more powers than others. In
India, the ........ government has more powers.
46) On which Amendment of the Constitution is
the panchayati raj system in India based?
47) Who is head of gram panchayat? How is he
48) Who is a Mayor? Name two cities which have a
Municipal Corporation.
49) What do you mean by 'holding together
50) The Panchayat works under the overall
supervision of the (a) Mandal (b) Zilla Parishad (c) District Magistrate (d)
Gram Sabha
51) What do you mean by 'coming together
52) Select the two bases on which new states of
India have been created (a) Religion and geography (b) Language and region (c)
Culture and religion (d) Geography and language
53) Whose laws prevail if there is conflict
between the State Government and Central Government on the subjects of the
concurrent list? (a) The laws made by the State Government (b) The laws made by
both State and Union Governments (c) The laws made by the Union Government (d)
The laws would be cancelled
54) A major step towards decentralisation of
powers was taken in (a) 1965 (b) 1982 (c) 1992 (d) 1995
55) Which city has carried out an
extraordinary experiment in combining decentralisation with participative
56) Here are three reactions to the language
policy followed in India. Given an argument and an example to support any of
these positions. Sangeeta The policy of accommodation has strengthened national
unity. Arman Language based states have divided us by making everyone conscious
of their language. Harish This policy has only helped to consolidate the
dominance of English over all other languages.
57) A few subjects in various
lists of the Indian Constitution are given here. Group them under the Union,
State and Concurrent Lists as provided in the table below. (a) Defense (b)
Police (c) Agriculture (d) Education (e) Banking (f) Forests (g) Communications
(h) Trade (i) Marriages Union List State List Concurrent List
58) States like Nagaland, Uttarakhand and
Jharkhand were created not on the basis of language but on (a) Culture (b)
Ethnicity (c) Geography (d) All of these
59) Belgium shifted from a ........ to a federal
form of government. (a) Constitutional (b) Dictatorship (c) Unitary (d) None of
60) Examine the following pairs that give the
level of government in India and the powers of the government at that level to
make laws on the subjects mentioned against each. Which of the following pairs
is not correctly matched? (a) State Government - State List (b) Central
Government - Union List (c) Central and State Governments - Concurrent List (d)
Local Government - Residuary Powers
61) The distinguishing feature of a federal
government is (a) National government gives some powers to the provincial
governments. (b) Power is distributed among the Legislature, Executive and
Judiciary. (c) Elected officials exercise supreme power in the government. (d)
Governmental power is divided between different levels of government.
62) Match list I with list II and select the
correct answer using the codes given below the lists.
List I List
1. Union of India a.
Prime Minister
2. State b.
3.Municipal Corporation c. Governor
4.Gram Panchayat d.
Codes 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 (a) D A B C
(b) B C D A (c) A C D B (d) C D A B
63) Consider the following statements a. In a
federation the power of the federal and provincial governments are clearly
demarcated. b. India is a federation because the powers of the Union and State
Governments are specified in the Constitution and they have exclusive
jurisdiction on their respective subjects. c. Sri Lanka is a federation because
the country is divided into provinces. d. India is no longer a federation
because some powers of the states have been devolved to the local government
bodies. Which of the statements given above are correct? (a) A, B and C (b) A,
C and D (c) A and B (d) B and C
64) The present structure of panchayati raj is
based on the following Constitutional Amendment Act (a) 65th (b) 73rd (c) 74th
(d) 76th
65) The system of panchayati raj involves (a)
the village, block and district levels. (b) the village and state levels. (c)
the village, district and state levels. (d) the village, state and union
66) Read the given article carefully and answer
the given question Some Nepalese citizens were discussing the proposals on the
adoption of federalism in their new constitution. This is what some of them
said: Khag Raj: I don't like federalism. It would lead to reservation of seats
for different caste groups as in India. Sarita: Ours in not a very big country.
We don't need federalism. Babu Lal; I am hopeful that the Terai areas will get
more autonomy if they get their own state government. Ram Ganesh: I like
federalism because it will mean that powers that were earlier enjoyed by the
king will now be exercised by our elected representatives. If you were
participating in this conversation what would be your response to each of
these? Which of these reflect a wrong understanding of what federalism is? What
makes India a federal country?
67) Answer the following questions (i) Pokharan,
the place where India conducted its nuclear tests, lies in Rajasthan. Suppose
the Government of Rajasthan was opposed to the Central Government's nuclear
policy, could it prevent the Government of India from conducting the nuclear
tests? (ii) Suppose the Government of Sikkim plans to introduce new textbooks
in its schools. But the Union Government does not like the style and content of
the new textbooks. In that case, does the State Government need to take
permission from the Union Government before these textbooks can be launched?
(ii) Suppose the Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Orissa
have different policies on how their state police should respond to the
naxalites. Can the Prime Minister of India intervene and pass an order that all
the Chief Ministers will have to obey?
68) Match Colum I with Column II and Select
correct answering using the Codes given below
Column I Column
a. State Government Union
b. Central Government State
c. Central and State Government Concurrent List
Codes A BC A B C (a) 3 2 1 (b) 2
1 3 (c) 3 1 2 (d) 1 2 3
69) Match Column I with Column II and select
Correct answer using the codes given below
Column I Column
State Prime
Union of India Mayor
Gram Panchayat Governor
Municipal Corporation Sarpanch
Codes A B C D A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 3 1 2 (c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 3 1 4
70) How was Belgian government shifted from a
unitary to federal form of government?
71) What form of government was existing in Sri
72) What is 'Federalism'?
73) Which two levels of Federation government
74) What is 'Unitary System'?
75) What is Federal system of Government?
76) What does 'Jurisdiction' mean?
77) How can you say that, 'Each tier of
government has its own Jurisdiction?
78) What is the role of courts in our
79) How is financial autonomy of each tier of
government ensured?
80) What are the dual objectives of a federal
81) Which two aspects are crucial for the
practice of Federalism?
82) What is 'coming together federation'?
83) What does 'holding together federation'
84) What are the examples of coming together
85) What are the examples of holding together
86) What was originally two tier system of
government according to Indian Constitution?
87) Which third tier was added later on the
system of Indian Government?
88) Which subjects are included in the union
89) Why are these subjects included in the union
90) Which subjects are included in the state
91) Give the subjects of Concurrent List.
92) What happens, if there is a conflict in the
decision of state and Central Government?
93) What are residuary Subjects?
94) Is it true that all states in the Indian
Union do not have identical powers?
95) What are 'Union Territories'?
96) Name the Union Territories of India.
97) Is it easy to make changes in the power
sharing arrangement of India?
98) How are changes made in power sharing
arrangement of one country?
99) What is the role of judiciary in power
sharing arrangement?
100) What is the reason for real success of
federalism in India?
101) How were the new states created in India
after independence?
102) What was the fear in forming linguistic
states in India?
103) What was the language policy of India?
104) What are the official languages of the
105) How has English been added as second
official language of India?
106) Had promotion of Hindi shown any formation
to this language?
107) How does sharing power in reality depend on
ruling parties and their leaders?
108) What is a Coalition Government?
109) How did Coalition government lead to a new
culture of power sharing?
110) What is the need for power sharing within
the states?
111) What does 'decentralization' mean?
112) What is the basic idea behind
113) Why do we need local governments?
114) How is local government the best way to
realize principle of democracy of grass root level?
115) When was the major step towards
decentralization taken in our county?
116) What made the third tier of our country more
117) What is Panchayati Raj?
118) How is Gram Panchayat formed?
119) What is a Gram Sabha? The panchayat works
under the overall supervision of the gram sabha.
120) What is a Panchayat Samiti?
121) How are members of Panchayat Samiti elected?
122) What is a Zila Parishad?
123) How are members of Zila Parishad elected?
124) What are Municipalities and Municipal
125) Who are the chairpersons of Municipalities
and Municipal Corporations?
126) Distinguish between unitary and federal
127) What are the two levels of federalism?
128) How are 'coming together federations'
formed? Give an example.
129) How are 'holding together federations'
formed? Give an example.
130) What is the role of the judiciary in a
federal system?
131) Why were the linguistic states created?
132) How is Panchayat Samiti formed and at what
133) What is Panchayati Raj?
134) What difficulties are faced during local
government elections?
135) How are the centre-state relations able to
strengthen federalism?
136) "The constitution did not use the word
'Federation' but the Indian Union is based on the principles of
federations." Explain this statement.
137) Give the main features of federalism.
138) How did India emerge as a federal state?
139) What was the basic idea behind
decentralization of the government?
140) What amendments were made by the
constitution to make a third tier (local government) more powerful and
141) How are Gram Panchayats formed?
142) Describe the three-fold distribution of
legislative powers between the Union government and State government.
143) How is a Zila Parishad formed?
144) How are constitutional changes made in a
federal system?
145) What special provisions are provided to some
of the states of India?
146) Which territories in India do not enjoy the
powers of a state?
147) "Promotion of Hindi continues to be the
official policy of the Government of India." Elucidate.
148) How is power shared in a coalition
149) Which local government bodies exist for the
urban areas?
150) What are the power sharing arrangements in
our country? Explain with examples.
151) Explain briefly the structure of local
152) Which out of the following is an aspect of
an ideal federal system? (a) Mutual trust (b) Economic growth (c) Wealth maximization
(d) None of these
153) Which out of the following is included in
the Union List? (a) Trade (b) Foreign affairs (c) Police (d) Marriage
154) Which state in India enjoys a special status
that of having its own constitution? (a) Punjab (b) Himachal (c) Kerala (d)
Jammu and Kashmir
155) Which out of the following states in India
does not have the powers of a state? (a) Jharkhand (b) Uttranchal (c) Delhi (d)
Tamil Nadu
156) Where did India conduct its nuclear tests?
(a) Odisha (b) Rajasthan (c) Maharashtra (d) Gujarat
157) How many languages are included in the
Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution? (a) 11 (b) 22 (c) 20 (d) 16
158) The other name for Panchayat Samiti (gram
panchayats grouped together) is: (a) Gram Parishad (b) Panchayat (c) Mandal (d)
None of these
159) Local government bodies for urban areas are
called: (a) Zila Parishad (b) Municipal Corporations (c) Council (d) None of
160) Where in India was a similar experiment
carried out? (a) Jammu (b) Kerala (c) Himachal (d) Gujarat
161) How has the third tier of
the government of our country been made more effective and powerful by the
constitutional amendment of 1990?
162) How challenge of language
policy was adopted by the Indian federalism?
163) What are the power sharing
arrangements in our country? Explain with examples.
164) "Promotion of Hindi
continues to be the official policy of government of India." Elucidate.
165) State any two achievements
and any two problems of the Panchayati Raj system.
166) How has the third tier of
the government of our country been made more effective and powerful by the
constitutional amendment of 1990?
Political Science Question
Chapter 2. Federalism
1. What is federal government?
2. Why have the subjects like defence foreign affairs, banking etc been included in union list?
3. Which level of government in India legi states on the residuary subjects.
4. What is decentralization?
5. Which two constitutional amendments of 1992 deal with local self- government?
1. Federal system has two or more sets of government. Justify the statements.
2. Discuss the dual objective of federalism. What are the two aspects that are crucial in the practice of federalism?
3. Examine the controversy over Hindi and English as the official language.
4. Examine the concepts of three tiers of government of Indian federalism
LA (05 Marks)
1. Describe any five features of federal government.
2. How is federation practiced in India.
3. What is the basic nature of Indian federal system?
4. Explain five changes towards decentralization brought in the constitution after the amendments made in 1992.
Political Science Question
Chapter 2. Federalism
1. What is federal government?
2. Why have the subjects like defence foreign affairs, banking etc been included in union list?
3. Which level of government in India legi states on the residuary subjects.
4. What is decentralization?
5. Which two constitutional amendments of 1992 deal with local self- government?
1. Federal system has two or more sets of government. Justify the statements.
2. Discuss the dual objective of federalism. What are the two aspects that are crucial in the practice of federalism?
3. Examine the controversy over Hindi and English as the official language.
4. Examine the concepts of three tiers of government of Indian federalism
LA (05 Marks)
1. Describe any five features of federal government.
2. How is federation practiced in India.
3. What is the basic nature of Indian federal system?
4. Explain five changes towards decentralization brought in the constitution after the amendments made in 1992.
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