
Amazing Facts, Knowledge and Jokes

Amazing Facts, Knowledge and Jokes

What causes obesity - diagnosis & treatment

Posted: 25 Jun 2022 06:54 AM PDT

What causes obesity - diagnosis & treatment


The term "obese" describes an individual who is extremely obese and has a lot of fat.

It's a widespread issue in the UK and is estimated to affect approximately 1 in four adults and 1 out of 5 children aged 10-11.

How can you determine if you're overweight?

The most commonly used method of determining whether you're at a healthy weight is the body mass index (BMI).

BMI measures the extent to which you're at a healthy weight about your height. It is possible to make use of BMI to calculate your height. NHS BMI calculator for healthy weight to determine your BMI score.

For the majority of adults, a BMI of:

  • 18.5 to 24.9 indicates that you're at a healthy weight
  • 25 to 29.9 indicates that you're overweight
  • 30 to 39.9 is a sign that you're overweight.
  • 40 and above indicates you're incredibly obese

BMI does not serve to identify obesity since incredibly muscular people can have a high BMI but not any fat.

For most individuals, BMI is a helpful indicator of whether they're a healthy weight.

An alternative measure for excess fat is the waist size, which is utilized as an additional indicator for those who are obese (with BMIs of 25 - 29.9) and moderately overweight (with BMIs between 30 and 34.9).

In general, those with a waist size of 94cm and above and women with an 80cm waist or more excellent are more likely to be diagnosed with obesity-related health issues.

The risk of obesity

It is crucial to take the necessary steps to combat overweight because, in addition to the noticeable physical changes it causes and several health issues, it could also trigger several dangerous and life-threatening ailments.

They include:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • coronary heart disease
  • Certain types of cancer, for instance, breast cancer and colon cancer
  • stroke

Obesity can affect your lifestyle and cause psychological issues, including depressive symptoms and low self-esteem.

The causes of obesity

Obesity generally results from taking in more calories, specifically those in sugary and fat-rich food items and drinks, which you then lose through physical activity. The extra energy is stored in the body in the form of fat.

Obesity is a growing issue because many people's modern lifestyles consume large quantities of low-calorie, high-calorie foods and spend lots of time seated at their desks, on sofas, or in automobiles.

Learn why sitting too often is detrimental to your health

Some diseases could sometimes contribute to weight gain, for instance, an thyroid gland that is not functioning correctly (hypothyroidism). However, these conditions are not likely to result in weight gain when managed effectively by medication.

Treating obesity

The best method to tackle overweight is to follow a calorie-reduced healthy diet and regular exercise.

To accomplish this, you must:

  • Eat a balanced, calorie-controlled, and balanced diet, as suggested by a GP or weight healthcare professional (such as a dietitian)
  • Join a local weight loss club
  • Engage in activities such as running, fast walking, tennis, or swimming for up or 300 minutes (2.5 to 5 hours) every week.
  • Eat slowly and stay clear of situations in which you are likely to eat more than you should

Getting psychological help from a certified health professional can also help you change your thinking about food and food.

If lifestyle adjustments alone are not enough to assist in losing weight, a drug known as orlistat could be suggested.

If you take it correctly, the medicine will reduce the amount of fat you absorb through digestion. Your GP can tell you if orlistat is a good choice for you.

In some instances, weight loss surgery might be suggested.

Other issues related to obesity

Obesity can trigger many other problems, including issues with everyday activities and severe health issues.

Problems that arise from obesity every day are:

  • breathlessness
  • more sweating
  • Snoring
  • difficulties in doing physical exercise
  • frequently feeling extremely tired
  • back and joint pain. back discomfort
  • Low self-confidence and low self-esteem
  • feeling lonely

The psychological challenges accompanying being overweight can affect your relationships with your family members and friends and can cause depression.

A serious health issue

Being overweight may also increase the chance of developing a variety of severe health issues, such as:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • hypertension
  • excessive cholesterol and atherosclerosis (where the deposits of fats restrict your arteries) that could lead to coronary heart diseases as well as stroke
  • asthma
  • metabolic syndrome is a result of diabetes hypertension, high blood pressure, and overweight
  • various kinds that are cancerous cancer, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, and the womb cancer
  • gastro-oesophageal respiratory condition (GORD), where stomach acid leaks from the stomach into the gullet
  • gallstones
  • decreased fertility
  • osteoarthritis is a disease that causes stiffness and pain in your joints
  • Sleep apnoea is a disorder that causes breathing to be interrupted at night, which could result in daytime sleepiness, with an increased likelihood of accidents on the road and an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • kidney condition as well as kidney diseases
  • Pregnant complications, for instance, gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia, occur when pregnant women experience a risky increase in blood pressure.

Obesity decreases life expectancy by three to 10 years, depending on how severe the condition is.

It's believed that being overweight and obese causes at most one of 13 deaths in Europe.


There's no quick fix for obesity. Weight loss programs take time and commitment and are most effective when executed.

Healthcare professionals involved in your care should offer guidance and encouragement on how to keep the weight loss you have achieved.

Keep track of your weight and set achievable goals, and engaging your family and friends in your efforts to shed some weight can be beneficial.

Keep in mind that even losing the appearance of a small number of pounds, for instance, three percent at or higher of initial body weight, and sustaining it for the rest of your life could dramatically reduce the risk of developing obesity-related problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Couch to 5K

If you've been a long since you've done any exercise and are looking for a plan, take a look at this Couch to 5K running program.

It is comprised of podcasts that are delivered in nine weeks. It was created explicitly for complete beginners.

In the beginning, it is a matter of running for short durations. As the program develops, you will gradually increase the duration.

After 9 weeks, you'll be in a position to run for 30 minutes at a time that, for the majority of people, is 5km (3.1 miles)

The History of Currency and How It affects Our Economy

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 12:45 PM PDT

The History of Currency and How It affects Our Economy

From day one, money has been a valuable tool to facilitate trade and exchange. In the early days of human civilization, people used precious metals such as gold and silver as their universal form of currency. Eventually, this evolved into using particular types of currency named for the metal that makes up its content: paper currency. Throughout history, different cultures have developed their unique viewpoints on how money works and what it means to have money. However, from an economic standpoint, there are some universal principles that all currencies share. With this in mind, let's dive deeper into the history of currency and how it affects our economy today.

How Does Currency Work?

Currency is a form of payment that consists of a medium of exchange that is accepted as legal tender and a Sheen of value that acts as a money store for that particular country. Currency is usually a stable asset, but it can fluctuate in value based on international trade, demand, and supply conditions. This means that when one country runs a trade surplus with another, the importance of their respective currencies will rise against one another. However, when one country runs a trade deficit with another, the values of their respective currencies will fall. This is one of the essential principles of currency: the nation with the most dominant currency also has the most desirable currency options for goods and services.

What is the History of Currency, and Why is it Important?

At the beginning of recorded history, there was no specific name for money. Instead, people used various forms of currency, including animal skins, precious metals, and even shells. This diversity of currencies allowed different cultures to develop distinct currencies with many unique features. Some of these special features involved but were not limited to different designs and weights of the currency, the usage of specific metals in particular designs, and the addition or removal of distinguishing marks. These additional features made it easier for different cultures to develop other currencies associated with their specific culture.

How Money became Common

Currency first emerged as a form of payment when the Sumerians developed a system of proto-bills dating back to the 3rd millennium BCE. This system of bills was later known as the Chyaxi currency and was used in the city-states of ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerians also developed some of the first writing systems, which helped them formulate early marks of value, such as the shekel, known universally as the Babylonian tin.

When Did Monies Start to Exist?

Currency first came into being when people started to trade with each other. This can be traced back to the beginning of human civilization. The first trade between people may have occurred between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens some 200,000 years ago. From there, trade gradually grew in complexity as people began to form communities. For example, the first towns appeared around the 12th century BCE and cities around the 4th century BCE.

How Does the Economy Benefit from the Use of Money?

The benefits of having money are numerous and can be divided into three categories: financial, economic, and social. For financial reasons, most importantly, having money allows people to transact business and make purchases without depending on an unknown quantity for their value.

Summing up

In short, money is used to facilitate trade and exchange. It is the universal tool used to regulate the flow of goods and services in society. Currency is not a store of value by itself, but it can be used as a medium of exchange when coupled with a stable currency such as the Euro or the US dollar.

Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing!

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 11:00 AM PDT

Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing

No one can ever take your spot, no matter how much you think they can. Your smile, laugh, loyalty, and most importantly – your presence - will always get the recognition they deserve. When you treat everyone with respect, it shows in everything you do. You have so many amazing things going on in your life that you don't even know! From family to friends, to work, and a healthy dose of self-care – there's so much to be happy about every day. The other night I was sitting here thinking about all the ways women did extraordinary things every day and realized that not many people know about them. I keep quiet because I don't want to upset people. Even though we are social media savvy these days, most people might not understand the meaning of an 'amazing thing' or how it feels to be surrounded by love and acceptance from friends and family members.

So here are some of the top things women do that are amazing!

We do amazing things every single day

This may seem obvious to some of you, but trust me – it's not always said aloud. We do amazing things every single day. Whether we are cooking a healthy meal for our family or putting the finishing touches on our master plan for our business, we are doing amazing things! Yet, you would never know by looking at us that we are missing an essential part of our day. We make time for our family, friends, and our passions. If you have been the single one at a coffee shop or taken a sick day from work to attend a meeting, you know how vital your solitude is. It would help if you felt comfortable and relaxed to fully engage with others. When you are with people, you feel tense, stressed, and disconnected from yourself. The best way to make time for your priorities is to make it a priority to take care of yourself first.

We have great friends

This one is a given. Although we all have love and relationships, we all have our 'friends,' right? The ones we see every so often and who we know are our friends for life. You might never want to go to a party with them or see them in your neighborhood, but you'd never say no to a friend request. We have so many amazing friends, and they are the ones we can call when we're having a rough day or when we just need a listening ear. You never know when you'll need a friend, so make time for the ones you love!

Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing

We support each other

We complement each other and support each other so much that it's not even funny. Whether you are a friend or a business associate, we support each other no matter what. Whether you are the one taking care of your family or your partner, we support each other and look out for each other. We are always there for each other, even when no one is looking. Whether you are a parent leaving their child at daycare or a friend helping out with a crisis, we look out for each other and support each other no matter what. Of course, we are not perfect, and we have moments where we don't 'back ourselves up' with supportiveness. But we do our best!

We are social media savvy

We use social media to communicate with each other, share our interests and engage with the world. We might not know it all yet, but the internet is our friend, and we have many tools at our disposal to stay connected with our friends, family, and career goals. The most beautiful thing about social media is that you don't have to be there! You can message, chat or call anyone anywhere in the world and they will receive you! Some of our favorite sites to connect and stay in touch with friends and colleagues are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. You can also add any of these sites to your phone, so you always have them at your fingertips. When you are connected to so many people and feel lonely, remember – you don't have to be there! You can call, message, or chat with anyone, and they will receive you!

We care about others first and ourselves second

This one is so simple but so accurate! We put our bodies on the line for others every single day. Whether for our friends or our families, we put our bodies on the line for them. Whether for our health, driving record, or careers, we put our bodies on the line for others. We don't always think about the long-term consequences of our actions – we do it for today! With the stress we put ourselves under, it is easy to forget about tomorrow. But our friends and family members sacrifice our health, time, and well-being for us. We must remember that we are not the ones who made the decisions that put them in that position. We owe it to them to ensure they are okay, and we also have to take care of ourselves.

What are some good things about women?

We don't take rejection well

You might have heard it before – but to us, the most fantastic thing is when someone loves us enough to let us be us! Whether in the mood to be loved or not, we all have the right to be who we are and don't have to try to 'present' ourselves to the world. We are amazing just the way we are, and when someone says something nice about us, it makes us feel so much better! We must remember that being kind to each other is the most significant act of kindness we can give. Even if you don't always get the response you want, remember – you are loved!


We do amazing things every single day. We have great friends, support each other, do our best to take care of ourselves, and care about others first and ourselves second. You will soon realize how amazing you are when you put these things together! You are a real gem; everyone is lucky enough to be around you! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started on the fantastic journey of life!

How to Be a Better Person Every Day

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 06:43 AM PDT

How to Be a Better Person Every Day

How to Be a Better Person Every Day - Self Improvement Tips and Advice

How to Be a Better Person - Self-Improvement Tips and Advice is a new series of posts here on The Art of Human Relations. In this first post, I want to talk about the 10 most essential characteristics of a good person. These might seem like common sense, but think about it: are you a good person? Or do you think you are? Do you care about people, or are you just looking for an excuse to be around others? Asking yourself these questions can be scary because they put you in touch with your humanity. But being willing to ask them says volumes about who we are as human beings. So without further ado, here's my list of the Most Important Things About Being A Good Person.

The Most Important Thing About Being a Good Person

We have been socialized from a young age to be good. It's in our DNA. We're programmed to be kind, considerate, and warm-hearted. So how do we get past the fact that we are not good enough? When constantly striving to improve, it's easy to lose sight of who we are and where we come from. Being a good person is not a choice; it's an inherent part of who we are. We are not who we want to be. To be a better person, you must want to be better. Let that sink in. It may sound obvious, but try to internalize it a bit more. Are you a good person? Or do you think you are?

Works For Me

If you've been reading this blog for any time, you'll know by now that I am a big proponent of the " works for me" mentality. This is the only way we can genuinely improve as people. We can't work on being a better person every day because that's not realistic or possible. If we were to work for 10 years and never get to the top of our game, it would still be enough to make us a better person. To be a better person, you must want to be a better person. And to get there, you have got to want to get there.

Makes You Feel Good

The best way to describe the feeling of "making you feel good" is synesthesia. For example, when you smell a particular smell, you might experienceHalloumi cheese. When you see a specific light, you might experience being in California. The list goes on and on. What we are trying to do here is to identify the commonalities between different people and different places. When we see that we have a certain quality, it gives us confidence because it means we are doing something right. "Makes You Feel Good" is a massive thing for me because it means that being around me makes you feel good. It is not only the situations where I am the authority but also within myself. When I step into a room, I put out a feeling that I want to create. I want to make people feel good.

Does the World a Service

This one is super important because it ties into " making you feel good." The more donations you receive, the more service you give. This is such a simple concept but so powerful. If you are willing to sacrifice something, other people will have to do the same. "Does the World a Service" means that you are ready to offer your time or money to benefit others. Again, a lot can come into this one depending on who you are and what you do for a living, but at the end of the day, you are willing to sacrifice for others. You care about other people and want to ensure everyone gets a fair chance in this world. This is what "Does the World a Service" means to me because it's the most selfless thing I can do as a person.


This is the major one! It's the glue that holds the entire series together. You can't discuss empathy without talking about feelings. If we don't understand how someone else feels, then how can we try to help? This one is super important and what makes you a better person. If you always show up for other people, you are doing them a service. You are creating a ripple effect where people feel good because they have people who care about them. You are making the world a better place. This is what "is empathetic" means to me because, without it, there would be no "Being a better person."

Showing Up and Doing the Job

Most people have a hard time doing the " showing up and doing the job" part because we are trying to do it our way. We have all been taught to be perfect and never make a mistake. To be a better person, you have got to believe that you are capable of improvement. You have got to want to get better. You have got to show up every day and do your best. This is the only way it will happen. Nothing will change if you don't believe you can do better. " Showing up and doing the job" means that you are willing to do the work. It's not only what you say; it's how you say it. It's about making an impact and showing up for others every day.

Wrapping It Up

Well, there you have it. These are the most important things about being a better person. If you think about it, these things should be pretty easy to practice because they are so simple. If you want to be a better person, then start today. What's important is that you make a decision. You decide what's important to you and then work on improving. We are all capable of so much more than we think. There is hope for the world, and there is hope for us. 

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