100+ Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
If a girl says - I don't like shopping...than marry her!
After making girlfriends, guys actually know how costly the life style is.

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Boy was following a girl...

100+ Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes
100+ Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Man to Friend: I want to give my girlfriend a good gift.
Friend: Diamond Ring?
Man: Nope, something which she has never worn earlier...
Friend: Gents Underwear...

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Boyfriend playing with her girl hairs and fainted...
When he opened his eyes after 20 minutes...
He requested his girlfriend...Please have regular bath...

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Once, a man and a doctor were in love with the same girl.
Man got an idea and started giving an Apple to his love daily.
When that girl asked why this apple daily?
Man replied: An apple a day keeps the doctor away...!!

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Girl: Are you coming to my party tonight?
Boy: Ops - I am Sorry. I cannot be there.
Girl: Why?
Boy: Because, I have to get up REALLY early tomorrow afternoon!

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Man to young guy: Have you ever seen Taj Mahal or Easter Island's Moais,
Boy: No...
Man: Ha-ha, go sometimes to see the world outside!!
Next day: Again, that man asks to same guy - Have you ever seen Pyramids of Giza?
Boy: No...
Man: Lol, go sometimes and see the world outside!
The day - That man asks to boy - Have you ever seen... the boy immediately interrupted him asking...?
Do you know James?
Man: No
Boy: Lol, go sometimes; see what is happening in your home... inside...

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Boyfriend calls to his girl friend: Hello. How are you doing my love!
Girl: perfect sweetheart!
Boy: Can you please spare time to meet me during the weekend at my home alone?
Girl: Ops, I am sorry honey, I can't because I am going to attend my cousin's wedding and the next day I'll be too tired. Sorry.
Guy: Ok as you wish but I was just planning to take you out for mall, surprise you with a Smartphone, then buy you a new dress and the movie and much more...
Girl: Wow, I will be coming and I may even spend the whole weekend there if you want my love.
Guy: What about the wedding?
Girl: Which wedding, I was joking...
Guy: Me too...

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
You look so beautiful in your profile pic.
Girlfriend: I am good designer.

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
If girl is with you - Restaurant Bill
If girl is far from you - Mobile bill
If girl is separated from you - Than Bar Bill.
Moral - No Girl - No Bills!

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Girl: It is very tough to have love affair with a person who works in bank.
Man: Why?
Girl: I sent him love letter, he send me back remarks -- "signature different"

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
A friend is like Asian paint...Changes your life!
A Girlfriend is like Everest spice... which is best in taste!
But a wife is like Mosquito coil... which kills you from every corner!

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes: A touching love story
A boy and a girl love each other very much...
One day while they were talking, the boy touched d girl's hand n in return girl touched boy's hand...
What a touching story... ;-> heheehehehhe

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
An interesting line written at the back of a Biker's T Shirt:
'If you are able to see this, please, tell me that my girlfriend has fallen off'

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Most Relationships fail not because of the absence of love...
Love is always present... It’s just that,
One loves too much, and
The other loves too many,

Vastreader Funny Girlfriend Boyfriend Love Jokes:
Girl: Do you have Cards with sentimental Love quotes?
Shopkeeper: Oh sure...@! How about this card, it says 'To the only boy I ever loved.'
Girl: That’s good, Give me 12 of them..!
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Love Jokes, Lover Jokes, Boyfriends Jokes, Girl Friends Jokes, Loving Jokes, Boyfriend girlfriend Jokes, funny jokes, funniest jokes, short jokes, joke of the day, English joke, joke quotes, Creative Joke, Husband and wife Joke, Teacher and Student Joke, new Jokes, non veg joke, dirty joke, the Joke, a Joke, Jokes, Funny Joke, Joke of Day, best Joke, Killing Joke, Funny Jokes, Funniest Joke, the Killing Joke, Black Joke, Joke Quotes, bad Joke, sms Joke, good Joke, Love Joke, funny, knock knock Jokes, kids Jokes, mama Jokes, best Jokes, Jokes for Kids, the Jokes, a Jokes, Jokes, Funny Jokes, Jokes of Day, best Jokes, Killing Jokes, Funny Jokes, Funniest Jokes, the Killing Jokes, Black Jokes, Jokes Quotes, bad Jokes, sms Jokes, good Jokes, Love Jokes, funny, knock knock Jokes, kids Jokes, mama Jokes, best Jokes, Jokes for Kids, Jokes Funny, a Funny Joke, a Joke, Funny Joke Quotes, Joke Quotes, Short Funny Joke, Funny Joke Pictures, Joke Pictures, Funny Sms Joke, Funniest Joke, Jokes Funny, a Funny Jokes, a Jokes, Funny Jokes Quotes, Jokes Quotes, Short Funny Jokes, Funny Jokes Pictures, Jokes Pictures, Funny Sms Jokes, Funniest Jokes


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